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Health Research Awards

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Consistent with world globalization in all aspects of life, it has become imperative that the Ministry of Health follows international standards in making decisions and evidence-based planning. Borne out of the efforts of the Ministry of Health on promotion of scientific research and supporting researchers, the Centre of Studies & Research (CSR) has adopted a set of awards to encourage and reward research excellence, and stimulate scientific research which is an essential element for enhancing human knowledge in all fields as well as the investment potential of researchers to solve health problems.

Award Categories
1. Ministry of Health Best Research Award
2. Ministry of Health Best Young Investigator Award


• To spread and promote a strong culture of research and development in Oman
• To honour the staff of the Ministry of Health involved in health research and its dissemination
• To promote the dissemination of research findings in local and international refereed scientific journals
• To stimulate an outstanding research environment to create a strong scientific base of human resources to adopt strategies to improve health research
• To spread the spirit of competition between individuals and institutions affiliated to the Ministry of Health.
• To encourage all Ministry of Health staff to compete on the track to research excellence

General Conditions
• The applicant must be the first author/principal investigator of the submitted research publication/report
• The applicant should be a staff of the Ministry of Health
•  The research should not be part of the professional fulfilment towards a professional qualification for any researcher on the research team.
•  The submitted research should not have won any other award in a similar competition inside or outside Oman
•  Each applicant is eligible to apply only for one of the advertised awards
•  An applicant can participate with the same research only once.
•  The research should have been conducted in the Sultanate of Oman.
•  The research should not exceed 3 years since the research has been completed or published.
•  The applicant should be willing to provide any additional information if required by the Centre of Studies & Research


Specific Conditions
To be eligible to apply for the Young Investigator Award at the Ministry of Health award, the Principal Investigator should be no older than 35 years on 16th of November 2019.

Application Procedure
•  The applicant should fill the award application form carefully online through the link on our website www.mohcsr.gov.om and submit it along with the following:
– An electronic copy of the scientific material in English (full report or article if published)
– A summary of the report/research article (maximum of 400 words)
– Disclosure statement by the applicant that consent of the research team has been sought to participate in the competition for the award
– A brief significance statement explaining the role of the research in the development of academic and scientific innovation, potential economic impacts, and relevance for the Sultanate of Oman (not more than 200 words)
– Copy of the Approval letter from the Central/Regional Research & Ethics Committee obtained prior to conducting the research


•  The deadline for application submissions for the award is 16th November 2019.

Selection Criteria
•  The research should be conducted based on sound scientific methodology
•  The research should have an effective impact on improving the health system and health care as well as enhancing health culture in Oman
•  Preference will be given to research topics listed as one of the Ministry of Health Research priorities.
•  Preference will be given to research published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Implementation Mechanism
•  Announcement of the start date for submission of applications will be on the Centre of Studies & Research website (www.mohcsr.gov.om) and social media.
•  The deadline for application submissions for the award will be 16th November 2019.
•  Final scoring will be a combined score of external reviewers, presentation judges, and peers.
•  Award competition results are final and cannot be appealed.
•  Results will be announced at the Health Research Forum in March 2020.
•  Applicants must be willing to make an oral presentation or poster presentation  of the study at the Health Research Forum 2020.
•  The award may be granted to more than one research submission and divided equally between the winning research submissions in case of obtaining the same score in the evaluation.
•  The award can be withheld if the submitted research does not meet the expected quality for the award.
•  The award should be divided among the members of the research team as deemed appropriate.



Any queries to be directed to:
Email: moh.researchaward2015@gmail.com
Telephone: 22357277 / 22357280