
Center of Studies & Research

Directorate General of Planning and Studies,

Ministry of Health,

P.O. Box 393,

Postal Code 113,


(+968) 24697551 or
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Research Funding Committee

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The Membership of the Research Funding Committee (RFC)

Research Funding Committee (RFC) was formed by Ministerial Decree No. 180 in 2013 and is headed by His Excellency the Undersecretary for Planning Affairs with the membership of:

  • Director General of Planning and Studies.
  • Director General of Health Affairs.
  • Director General of Education and Training.
  • Director General of Financial affairs.
  • Dean of Oman Nursing Institute.
  • Two Director Generals of Health Services from the Governorates (Alternatingly chosen by head of RFC every two years).
  • Director of the Centre of Research and Studies (as the Rapporteur of the committee).
  • Any suitable person nominated by the Committee in order to accomplish a specific task.


The Terms of Reference of the Research Funding Committee (RFC)

  1. Adoption of a list of research priorities at the Central and Governorate levels.
  2. Announcement of the research priority package to be implemented each year.
  3. Distribution of research budget.
  4. Approval of the budget for each of the selected research proposal.
  5. Evaluation and prioritization of research proposals according to the specified standards and select a list of research proposals to be funded.
  6. Nomination of reviewers to review research proposals which are submitted to the Committee.
  7. Granting ‘Best Research Award and ‘Young Investigator Award’, every year.